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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

High-tech reflections

After three long weeks of not having my computer up and running, I am finally able to put my thoughts down once again. Have you ever tried to manage your daily routine from a card table and a basket of mail? It is very eye-opening to realize how much we depend on modern technology for our every day routine. Life had to be less hectic before electronics entered the picture. We love all the gadgets and toys now that we have become accustomed to them, but if they are not running correctly or are “down,” it is a major inconvenience.

I remember balancing the check book by hand not that many years ago and I was very leery of actually doing my banking online. Now I send most correspondences via email or text messaging. It’s good to look back and see how much simpler our lives were just 20 years ago. When things are hectic, don’t forget to look back and reminisce. Sit down and write an actual letter to someone. Enjoy your down time.

Welcome to my life.

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