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Friday, August 22, 2008

Animals and Appreciation

Chicago certainly has a zoo to be proud of. I was very impressed with the facility and how everything was so nicely maintained. Last night, we were treated to a delightful evening to remember. We had dinner and drinks—literally with the animals. We don’t have any safari animals in the Pocatello zoo, so this was a real treat for me. The admission charge is free, so if you are ever in Chicago this is a must-see attraction.

I had no idea that an aardvark is so odd and a giraffe is so curious.

Traditionally, past recipients of the Award of Distinction return for a reunion at the UOR event and we newbie’s get the pleasure of meeting them. It’s such an honor to be included in this accomplished group of ladies. This was Chad’s first chance to really meet and visit with all of the people I keep raving about. He now understands why I get so excited about attending national meetings. He is already looking forward to next year in Las Vegas.

It is easy to get too focused on our own lives and careers. I encourage you to expand your horizons by attending shows and meeting other dental hygienists. You will meet the most incredible people!

Welcome to my life.

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