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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gone soft for Soft-Picks

Sunstar developed a great new product called GUM Soft-Picks. I absolutely love these little gems. I received them as samples and ordered them for the office, since almost every patient can benefit from using Soft-Picks. No, they don’t replace flossing, but as hard as it is to admit, not every patient follows through with my recommendations. These are a great second to flossing and I have seen terrific results.

The ideal patient thus far would be men with big hands and small mouths that refuse to floss or tooth pick. Patients with crowns or implants have also embraced this new product. I actually passed Soft-Picks out at a BBQ last week at our home—they were a hit!

Most drug stores carry the product in multi-packs that include a little carrying case for purse or car convenience. To order online, click here.

Give them a try—you’ll be hooked.

Welcome to my life.

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