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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ortho Options

I have many ortho patients. A few are very proficient with flossing, but most are mediocre at best. I remember how tough it was to brush thoroughly with braces and flossing was pretty much skipped.

Some things don’t change, but luckily, new products are being introduced all the time. For example, Oral-B Super Floss is a great floss/threader in one. I personally use Super Floss for my bridge—and love it!—but not everyone is willing to purchase it when their sample runs out.

Last year at ADHA annual session, I was introduced to a new product called Floss Fish. These little, plastic, fish-shaped devices work great. My floss-resistant son even likes to use them. There are lots of fish in the sea, and these are keepers!

I recently had a local orthodontist as a patient. He was scheduled to get braces himself and wanted to get ‘cleaned up’ before the appliances were placed. After reviewing his medical history, I looked over his dental history and habits. He currently flossed twice a week—on a good week. I had to let him know that that frequency was not going to work for me. I made him a deal that if he tries faithfully to floss 3 to 4 times per week, he would stay in my good graces.

Welcome to my life.

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